Implemented Social Distancing Measures during Covid-19 Outbreak

Fire Evacuation Drill Exercise @Project: BLU10

The purpose of performing this fire evacuation drills is to create well-rehearsed knowledge of the procedure regarding jackets and to continually heighten the efficiency of evacuations in order to create a sense of security and crisis management during emergency situation.
Emergency Readiness Seminar @ Project: FVC

Seminar highlights includes:-
- Terrorism response – How can we be involved in the SGSecure movement? Staying Alert, Staying Strong, Staying United.
- Transport Emergency Response – How to prevent road traffic accident for all road users by knowing the risk factor?
- Fire Crisis Response – How to prevent fire from happening at workplace; Roles and responsibilities of fire wardens; and correct usage of fire extinguisher.
Seminar Organized By: FPC Prevention Centre
Emergency Readiness Seminar

Seminar highlights includes:-
- Terrorism response – What skills do we need to survive?
- Transport Emergency Response – Self-survival in vehicle accident fire; and How to prevent road traffic accident for all road users by knowing the risk factor?
- Fire Crisis Response – How to prevent fire from happening at workplace and home; Roles and responsibilities of fire wardens; and Correct usage of fire extinguisher.
Seminar Organized By: FPC Prevention Centre
Fire Safety Seminar

Seminar highlights include Common fire hazards at workplace and at home; How to prevent short circuits, overheating and overloading from happening; How to use fire extinguisher to stop fire; Ways to prevent smoke inhalation and suffocation when smoke attack us during evacuation; Importance of company emergency plan; Roles and responsibility of fire wardens; and Self-survival in vehicle accident fire.
Mobile Work at Height Clinic Year 2017, conducted by MOM to raise the Work at Height (WAH) awareness.

Programme on “Introduction, Engagement & Technology” whereby the site personnel is educated on more about the requirements of the WSH Act/ WAH regulations cum stakeholder’s individual roles & responsibilities. An onsite assessment by an authorised WSH Consultant conducted to identify WAH lapses and rectifications will be proposed to mitigate these hazards. Workers have a chance to experience the Virtual Reality (VR) of working safely at heights.

Programme on ‘WAH Equipment Demonstration’ whereby the site personnel are educated in how to working safely on fragile roofs, ladders, scaffolds and mobile elevated work platforms (MEWP). Slips, trips and falls and proper usage of personal-protective equipment are also included during this session. In the end of the event, workers have an opportunity to hands-on experience on the said machinery on site.

Programme on ‘Health Check & Quiz’ whereby a free basic health check (i.e. blood pressure and temperature) are conducted for the site personnel. Quiz is implemented to test their understanding knowledge level towards working at heights. Besides that, an onsite assessment by an authorised WSH Consultant educates site personnel on the correct way during facing various WAH issues and safety practices on site.
Participated in Mobile Work at Height Clinic conducted by MOM appointed WSH consultant to raise the Work at Height awareness

Participation and certification (merit) for the inaugural WSH CultureSAFE Programme

See the video below:
Regular briefing has been conducted to all on the SAFETY , HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT during Mass Safety Talk